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Action Replay Program
If your memory card is not plugged in or the software can't find a memory card dock, the big AR logo as well as the little AR logo by the clock will be grayed out like the picture below . If this is the case , double check all your connections , make sure everything is plugged etc... etc... Sometimes you just need to exit & restart the AR program.
(not sure on how to drag n drop ... bust out some solitaire and start crackin')
(updating the AR interface won't let you put in nude patches for DOA or let you use unlimited ammo in Halo , but it will fix problems with invalid Xbox Power Saves & some community saves.)
Click Here To Download
If the above does not work try this link to download the 1.0.5 update.$&r=0&l=1
After updating your Action Replay Interface , you should have less problems , particularly with "invalid" Power Saves & most "valid" community saves.
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I hope this helped some of you !
All work (stolen or otherwise) was put together by Cirreus Krestel (for educational purposed only!). I'll be updating this soon for easier navigation . If you know some important piece of information that needs to go in here , shout it out in the CodeJunkies Forum !